Friday, July 4, 2014

Linear Appraisal and other updates..

Happy Independence Day everyone!
Well, took me awhile to get these up here, but here are the results from the linear appraisal!
There were two disappointments, first the kids couldn't be appraised because they were a few days less then the minimum of 8 weeks old, and then Sheila had on tattoo which wasn't quite clear enough to read, so she couldn't be appraised either. But over all it was a great experience!

Winsome: 86 VVV+
They loved her! Her main flaw in udder was large teats and her rear udder could use more capacity, but her udder height score was very nice and they loved her head, body capacity, and overall dairyness!

Lily: 80 +V+A
Their favorite thing about Lily was her dairy character! She is built to produce! She could use more strength in her bone, although her body capacity isn't bad, and her rump should be more level.

 Heather: 77 +++F
Heather had a bad day and did not want to cooperate! She just didn't want to stand still! Her main conformation faults are lack in capacity and they gave her a "twisted udder" miscellaneous fault, which means one side of her udder is slightly farther forward on one side then the other. I had never noticed this before and didn't even know about this look for it! :D They loved her back, feet/legs and the space between her hocks.

King: 82 +V+
King behaved very well, stacked himself, stood tall and proud and showed absolutely no misbehavior! They were impressed by his size and strength in the chest! His head they loved for it's balance and refined strength. His fault is that his wonderful body capacity does not flow all the way to his hindquarters, making his hind legs closer then desirable.He loved them though! :)

I was disappointed to not get Emmylou and Prince appraised. I had brought them along, all clipped and everything, just in case they'd let them in, but I have pictures! Prince looks so much like his daddy! :)

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